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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More needless fear

Why is the media hyping the swine flu? I wondered if I needed to be worried so I read this CDC FAQ. It's just a kind of flu. It's no more contagious than any other flu, it's no more deadly than any other flu. I haven't heard ANYONE on the news say this, after days and days of coverage. I did hear Sanjay Gupta say that the seasonal flu kills 36,000 Americans every year - he was obviously trying to provide some perspective, but of course he's reporting from Mexico City, so the fact that he went down there belies his words. "PANDEMIC" is such a scary word. But where's the reassurance and the calm?



Blogger  Ingrid said...

Totally with you on this one! And I sure hope that Egypt does not go though with their plan to kill all of the pigs in their county. It is pointless and will do serious damage to economic structure for their citizens who raise them in their garden patios. It's crazy hysteria. Reminds you of an old administration kind of.

7:36 PM  

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