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Saturday, March 07, 2009

My "firsts"

Another Facebook exercise~write down your "firsts" . . .

1. FIRST person you thought of this morning? my son (I thought he was up)
2. FIRST person you talked to today? my son (he was!)
3. FIRST person you texted today? Matt
4. FIRST date you ever went on? school dance
5. FIRST alcoholic drink? wine cooler
6. FIRST job? busgirl at chinese restaurant
7. FIRST car? AMC Ambassador
8. FIRST prom date? never went to the prom
9. FIRST grade teacher? Mrs Harris
10. FIRST movie you remember seeing? Snow White or Bambi
11. FIRST state you lived in? California
12. FIRST ride on an airplane (to - from)? Phoenix to Anchorage
13. FIRST foreign country you went to? Israel
14. FIRST concert you ever went to? Loverboy
15. FIRST tattoo? butterfly on my back
16. FIRST piercing? ears, when I was 14
17. FIRST roommate? Polly, freshman year of college
18. FIRST love (do you still talk)? Adam, yes
19. FIRST best friend (do you still talk)? Terry, no
20. FIRST wedding were you in? Diane's
21. FIRST sleepover? Nancy's
22. When was your FIRST detention? for a goody-goody like me? uh, no
23. What was the FIRST thing you did this morning? patted the dog who sleeps on the bed


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