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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I switched dentists

It's a long story, but basically, Larry didn't like the dental practice I was using (I didn't like them much either, but we're new to the area and our insurance only covers certain dentists, so it's been hard to find one), so he switched, and then I switched to the one he found.

So anyway, I go in for my semi-annual exam this morning and they tell me I need a root canal in one of my front teeth because there's an infection at the base. The dentist said that it's probably been there awhile (I go to the dentist every 6 months almost religiously, but I had no pain, thankfully, or maybe not, since it got missed). ICK!! I'm so skeeved, and a bit freaked that the other dentist didn't catch it. So now I have to see an endodontist ($$$) and the dentist said the tooth will need a crown ($$$), so that's more appointments. Frustrating and annoying and gross (and a little scary). And nothing like needing a root canal to make you feel OLD (well, needing bifocals is worse - I got those with my last pair of glasses!)

My father said the root canal he had was the worst experience of his life, and he had kidney stones removed! That stuck with me!! But that was 30 some years ago, so hopefully things have improved somewhat. My friend Suzanne says they have, which is reassuring.


My friend Lisa said her daughter (same age as Caleb) has already had a root canal, so clearly I'm wrong about the age thing. I just associate them with getting old. In fact, I was told years ago by a dentist that filled teeth often need root canals later, but of course the tooth I have that needs one was never filled! My current dentist said it's probably from being bumped - the kids hit me in the front teeth with their heads more than once when they were little, so it was probably one of those times.


Blogger  Ingrid said...

I've had several root canals over my 45 years. The first two occurred 1 month into my first year of high school when I knocked my two front teeth out. Youch! Now that was a rough beginning! My mouth was wired shut for weeks!

Anyway, if you have a good dentist, they really aren't as bad as people lead you to believe. But then I also felt that way after my first mammogram. It just wasn't as big a deal as I thought it was going to be.

Does that give you any comfort? Or maybe I've just exacerbated your fear? I hope not. The front teeth are more sensitive than the back, but hopefully you'll do well.

I just had one done early this year when a loose dog slammed my lower jaw into top jar. It was next to my front tooth that had been damaged when I knocked my teeth out. So, perhaps you are correct about your kids bumping you. My tooth was "brewing" for years and the final bump kicked it into high gear.

But I also want to add that it wasn't as bad as I had remembered, so perhaps dental techniques have improved so much that it will be better than your Dad remembered. Good luck!

9:33 PM  

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