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Monday, March 10, 2008

"Drugs Found in Much of Nation’s Drinking Water"

How repulsive is this? You'd think the purification of sewage would remove drugs - what else is left in there?


Drugs Found in Much of Nation’s Drinking Water

Drugs have tainted much of the drinking water in many American cities. Antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers, sex hormones and many other pharmaceuticals have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans in 24 major metropolitan areas, according to an in-depth, 5-month Associated Press (AP) investigation. This is worrisome to scientists who are concerned about long-term ramifications.

We take pills and our bodies absorb some of the medications; however, some drugs pass through our bodies and are flushed down the toilet. This wastewater is treated before it is released into reservoirs, rivers, or lakes and some is cleansed at drinking water treatment plants before being piped back to us. Unfortunately, most treatments do not remove all drug residue.

Researchers do not yet know the exact risks from decades of ongoing exposure to combinations of low levels of pharmaceuticals; however, recent studies revealed startling effects on human cells and wildlife. “We recognize it is a growing concern and we’re taking it very seriously,” said Benjamin H. Grumbles, assistant administrator for water at the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).



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