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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point

I just finished this very disappointing book and found it not nearly as profound as I had expected. Almost all his examples amount to fads rather than a major shift in culture, and many focus on successful marketing, including the incredibly offensive success of a campaign that exploited youthful interest in the Free Tibet movement to sell $80 skateboarding shoes. How that illuminates "tipping" is beyond me, and I found it totally disgusting. I've read a number of insightful books about the dyanmics of culture and so far, this is the least informative, interesting, or worth reading.


Blogger Raj said...


Gladwell's books are a kind of pop Social Psych. You're a lot more informed than most people, including the reviewers. Some people have rarely/never thought about social change or even how humans (or even themselves) make decisions.

Call it a hunch, I believe that Gladwell writes books about such people and sells plenty of books to these very same people who think he's onto profound life changing theories.

A little bit like Rush Limbaugh's crowd. Now I'm exaggerating.. :-)

2:45 PM  

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