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Thursday, November 03, 2005

"Cheney's Cheney"

I read both Newsweek and U.S. News last week and the latter published what could reasonably be called a puff piece about Lewis Libby and what an all-around genial guy he is. This week, Newsweek presents quite a different picture in their profile:


Apparently, he was a fanatic who was convinced that he was nobly defending our nation. He's what my brother Leo would call a "True Believer." However, like so many True Believers, his fanaticism subsumed his sense. Among the chilling anecdotes -- Libby was obsessed with bioterrorism, particularly a smallpox outbreak. He apparently planted a story in the NY Times (through Judith Miller) about Iraq's development of an especially virulent strain, a story which, of course, was found to be completely false. True Believers can be quaint or annoying, if you're talking to them over your backyard fence or at the office water cooler, but when they hold high government office, are key figures in formulating important policy, and have access to (formerly) credible mainistream media sources, they pose a dangerous risk to our national security, as we have seen.


Blogger oryoki said...

The article just gives us more proof of "string theory". You know, that there needs to be more than one set of reality for everything to work.

My favorite lines concerning that are:

"Libby, as well as his boss, operated, at least in their own minds, on a higher plane."

"destiny had called him"

"a heroic, romantic sense of his boss and his own role in history"

"they do not have to play by normal rules when they serve a higher calling, and that small lies can be told to protect higher truths"

And we wonder how the religous right wing nut jobs got control of this administration?

We need a return to the humanist.

3:35 PM  
Blogger Danielle said...

What higher purpose does Libby suppose he is serving by alarming the public regarding threats that do not exist? Apparently one of the hallmarks of the neocons is their disdain of the CIA because it *under-estimated* the Soviet threat during the Cold War. How romantic and heroic. A higher truth indeed.

3:47 PM  
Blogger oryoki said...

With all those thoughts in mind, it'll make sense later, you might want to check out Steve Pavlina's thoughts on reality.


"As long as you subscribe to the belief in objective reality, that will be your experience of life. No one will be able to convince you otherwise, including me. The more firmly you believe in objective reality, the more strongly you create it."

So there you have the answer to the continued distortion of reality by the current administration.

And Mr Pavlina also wants to manifest a million dollars.


"To the degree our realities overlap, you can interact with me. But if our beliefs stretch too far apart, then we can no longer resonate with each other, and we will essentially disappear from each others’ realities. From the perspective of your objective reality, what you would experience is that I’d somehow fall out of your life. You’d cease to have any further contact with me. You might actively kick me out of your life after dismissing me as a nut or something, but more likely my role in your life would simply fade, and you’d eventually forget I ever existed. You’ll continue on with your existence, attracting people who most strongly resonate with your belief in objective reality, continuing to reinforce your existing belief structure and giving you no reason to doubt it."

1:31 AM  

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