Women are taking over!
I've heard this theme covered in several contexts recently - in terms of the economic downturn affecting women less, in terms of college attendance and graduation, and even in terms of popular TV shows (interesting article in The Atlantic about the portrayal of male-female relations in TV shows was discussed on NPR last week).
I experienced the embodiment of this trend today, at the Temple Concord rededication ceremony. (The congregation is over 150 years old, but the building is celebrating its centennial this year.) 100 years ago, women held no leadership positions inside the synagogue or outside it. But the ceremony was almost an all-female parade of dignitaries- the president of our synagogue, the mayor of Syracuse, the County Executive, the City Council representative, the president of SU, and the representative of the URJ. A noticeable exception was the rabbi. It was kind of fascinating. I don't know that it would have struck me quite the same way if I hadn't heard all these recent discussions.

Here's the official photo from the event. I think I'm in the second row under the banner's "2nd."
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