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Friday, May 16, 2008

Craziest week ever

This has been the craziest week. A 6 a.m. meeting to start the day on Tuesday, followed by two other long work meetings and topping off the day with a 3+ hour synagogue board meeting at night. Then the make-up class for the foster parent training on Wednesday morning (the only time I could go!) and a long overdue appt with the physical therapist (regarding my shoulder - not rotator cuff, thank goodness) that afternoon. Then another morning meeting (this one at 8 a.m.) on Thursday and Alana's kindergarten orientation session at the elementary school at night. Then tonight is the Sisterhood Shabbat service at Temple, which I very reluctantly have been the coordinator for (plus a potluck prior and enhanced oneg after, both requiring extra shopping, cooking and baking). And I had to finalize the orders for our Pampered Chef fundraiser, which ended Thursday and which I also (quite unintentionally!) became the point person for. Plus this week I needed to get out the monthly mailing for the Sisterhood (late, so I had to get 1 cent stamps since postage went up on Monday), as well as organize another Sisterhood special mailing for a wedding shower that we're hosting. Plus our June bulletin information was due. Plus troubleshoot all the usual stuff - the anxious phone calls and emails and questions that I don't really know the answer to (e.g., what should we do about the developmentally delayed diabetic woman coming to the potluck?) This president thing has turned into a behemoth. It's not that I don't like it, but the time requirement has expanded and expanded. I've been thinking a lot about how to delegate more - I really shouldn't be the Go To Girl on every detail - I'm the CO-president, and there's a vice president and 4 other officers as well. But my "management style," if you can call it that, tends to be Get It Done and others benefit from that tendency. Hmmm. Mostly I just can't wait to SLEEP IN tomorrow!!!!!


Blogger 1anonymousmom said...

wow, girl, how do u do it?

10:10 PM  

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