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Friday, August 03, 2007

Bloggers convention

Tonight I listened to Tucker Carlson at his withering best, discussing the Democratic candidates' appearance at the Yearly Kos convention. It annoys me to no end the way that he marginalizes these vocal liberals as the "far left." He likes to talk about bloggers in their bathrobes, writing from their grandma's basement. Maybe there's a few of those, but the respected and well-known bloggers couldn't be further from that description. What makes them dangerous is that they actually know what's going on - unlike most Americans, they read and they pay attention, they know what the Constitution says, they know what legislation is being proposed and what it will actually accomplish, they know what legislators are actually doing, as opposed to what they say in public. Of course that's threatening to people like Carlson, who depend on using catch-phrases and rhetoric that is deliberately misleading in order to steer public opinion. An engaged population is exactly what people like him don't want - he'd be out of a job, along with most elected officials.



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